
Innovation Hub

Innovation Hub


Find out more about Innovation Hub.


Key Objectives of the Innovation Hub

The Bank of Namibia is a vision led and values driven organisation that focuses on digital transformation; modernise the financial system and help restore economic growth and sustainable economic development. The Innovation Hub was established to facilitate Fintech solutions into the market through innovative and enabling regulatory frameworks. The Innovation Hub facilitates dialogue between Fintechs and Regulators on financial innovation and the applicable supervision regime. It also allows for the regulators to understand new financial technologies and associated risks. The Innovation Hub further aims to connect Fintech eco-system stakeholders.

Innovation Hub Fintech

Exploring FinTech

Identify key obstacles and challenges in the financial technology and regulatory technology systems that are of relevance to the central bank.

Innovation Hub Fintech

Research & Development

Investigate and facilitate in conjunction with other relevant structures within and outside the Bank, the realisation of pragmatic solutions through benchmarking, proof of concepts and prototypes.

Innovation Hub Fintech

Financial System Support

Recommend and render support for the modernization of the financial system and leverage appropriate technologies to mitigate obstacles and challenges.

Innovation Hub Fintech

Expanding Innovation Capacity

Implement further reviews of institutional innovation capacity and propose improvements.

Innovation Hub Fintech

Global Investment

Consult central banks on innovation hubs and pursue membership to and/or participation in global central banking innovation hubs.

the Team
Anna William
Ms. Anna William

Deputy Director: Financial Stability & Macroprudential Surveillance

Expertise: Financial Stability, Stress Testing, Macroprudential Policy, Financial Economics and Development Finance.

Ms. Charlotte Shikongo
Ms. Charlotte Shikongo

Senior Banking Officer

Expertise: Banking and Payments, Currency Management

Ms. Valeria Mbango
Ms. Valeria Mbango

Director: Strategy, Projects and Transformation

Expertise: Process Improvement and Automation, Problem-solving and Critical Thinking, Strategic Foresight, Project Management.

Mr. Julius Nakale
Mr. Julius Nakale

Senior Analyst: National Payment System Oversight

Expertise: Payment Systems, Banking, Software and Social Engineering, Inclusive Innovation Strategy, Business Intelligence and Data Analytics

Ms. Ancois Plaatje - Member of the Management Commitee of the Bank
Ms. Ancois Plaatje

Director: Banking Supervision

Expertise: Finance, Risk Management and Commercial and Central Banking

Ms. Naufiku Hamunime
Ms. Naufiku Hamunime

Technical Expert: International Relations and Sustainability

Expertise: Applied Economic Research, Policy Analysis, Banking & Development Finance

Ms. Josefina Oskar
Ms. Josefina Oskar

Communications Practitioner

Expertise: Public Relations, Digital Marketing, Reputation Management

Mr. Frans Nghipandulwa
Mr. Frans Nghipandulwa

Senior Solutions Analyst

Expertise: Open Collaboration, Financial Technology, Systems Analysis

Ms. Lyndell Sinden
Ms. Lyndell Sinden

Currency Processing Leads

Expertise: Currency Management

Ms. Karin Elago
Ms. Karin Elago

Deputy Director: On-site Examinations

Expertise: Banking, Finance, Audit, Cybersecurity Regulation and Supervision

Ms. Vistorina Namene
Ms. Vistorina Namene

Senior Financial Analyst

Expertise: Banking and Financial Law

Mr. Peter Nangolo
Mr. Peter Nangolo

Senior Software Engineer

Expertise: Software Architecture and Design, Project Management, Robotic Process Automation

Ms. Ndeyapo Msati
Ms. Ndeyapo Msati

Financial Analyst

Expertise: Banking and Finance, Governance, Legal

Ms. Justina Simon CA(NAM)
Ms. Justina Simon CA(NAM)

Principal Financial & Management Accountant

Expertise: Financial Reporting, Financial Management and Auditing

Mr. John Witbeen
Mr. John Witbeen

Senior Enterprise Systems Analyst

Expertise: SAP Human Captial Management , Systems Integration & Management



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