
Bank of Namibia

The Banking System in Namibia


Find out more about The Banking System in Namibia.

The Banking System in Namibia

The banking sector in Namibia comprises nine authorised banking institutions, which are categorised as seven commercial banking institutions, a branch of a foreign banking institution, and a representative office. These banking institutions are the primary mobilisers of funds for the public and the main source of financing for business operations and economic activities in Namibia.

Banking License Guidelines
Guidelines on Banking License Application
Document Size: 520 KB
The Credit Information Sharing System in Namibia

The Credit Information Sharing System in Namibia is regulated by the Credit Bureau Regulations, 2014. The Regulations empower credit bureaus to collect and sell credit performance information for individuals and businesses. Any person who intends to collect and sell credit performance information should be authorised to conduct credit bureau business in terms of the Regulations. The dissemination of credit performance information by credit bureaus makes it easier for credit providers to determine the credit worthiness of customers and to make appropriate credit decisions.

Registered Credit Bureaus
  • TransUnion Credit Bureau Namibia (Pty) Limited
  • Experian Credit Reference Bureau (Pty) Ltd
Credit Providers Layout Version 1.1
Document Size: 3.62 MB
Credit Bureau Fact Sheet
Document Size: 96 kB

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