
Annual Symposium

Annual Symposium


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Annual Symposium

The Bank of Namibia has since 1999, held a one-day Symposium every year. The aim of this Symposium is to bring together experts in the field of economics (internationally and locally) to exchange views on various issues pertaining to the Namibian economy. The theme chosen this year: “Transformation of the rural economy in Namibia” is of paramount importance given that rural transformation is a process through which rural incomes grow, rural economies diversify, and linkages with urban and peri-urban areas evolve. The theme aims to device policies and strategies that will contribute to increasing income-generating activities in the rural areas, which will improve the economic well-being of people living in rural areas, often remote and sparsely populated areas. This will be done through the policy lessons and recommendations emanating from the Symposium proceedings.

This year’s Annual Symposium will provide the status of rural development in Namibia and the challenges faced. The symposium will further propose some policy priorities that the country should focus on.


There is a growing divide between the conditions of living in the region’s urban and rural areas in Namibia. Rural development and transformation, which has at its heart poverty reduction and the reduction of inequality, may be defined as “a process of comprehensive societal change whereby rural societies diversify their economies and reduce their reliance on agriculture; become dependent on distant places to trade and to acquire goods, services, and ideas; move from dispersed villages to towns and small and medium cities; and become culturally more similar to large urban agglomerations.” It requires political commitment and will, changing the rules of the game, and voice and participation.

Expected Outcome of the Annual Symposium

The overall objective of the annual symposium is to devise policies that elevate the rural economy through income generating activities opportunities. Specifically, the symposium should bring together ideas that will lead to:


Infrastructure development, especially rural electricity, and digitalisation as key enablers.


Increase investment in the economy of the rural areas.



Increase in the service sector provision.



Improved productivity and rural incomes (Increase income generating activities in the rural economy).
Expanded entrepreneurship for youth and women and competitive value chain and agro industry development (Increased skills of men and women, and the youth in the rural areas).
Governor Welcoming Remarks Annual Symposium
Document Size: 1.3 MB
Keynote Address and Official Opening Hon. Erastus Uutoni, Minister of Urban and Rural Development
Document Size: 487 KB

Presentation 1
Overview of Rural Economic Development In Namibia - Dr. Emma Haiyambo

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Presentation 1
Boosting rural economies through decent work and social justice in Namibia - Elisenda Estruch-Puertas

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Presentation 1
Governance,Policy and Institutions: Strengthening coordination for rural economicdevelopment in Namibia - Ms. Eunice Ajambo

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Presentation 1
Rural Transformation Through Jobs In Local Food Economies & Lessons From Oecd Rural Policies - Ji-Yeun Rim

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