
Bank of Namibia


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Our Policy

In conformity with its policy of transparency, fairness, justice and good governance, when acquiring goods and services, the Bank of Namibia always endeavours to acquire the right product from the right supplier at the right price and therefore also promote and encourage Black Economic Empowerment suppliers of goods and or services.

The Tender Policy requires the Tender Committee to obtain the Governor's approval for all its decisions whose value exceed N$1 million and, in some instances, it provides for a slightly different criteria for tenders submitted by previously disadvantaged Namibians.

In view of the above, all tenders are publicly advertised and tender documents are made available at the Bank premises at a minimal fee to anyone who wishes to participate. The Bank treats all tenders received as confidential and tenders are opened in public immediately after the closing time. The Secretary of the Tender Committee notifies successful and unsuccessful tenderers in writing in good time after the opening of the tenders. Listed below are tenders currently being advertised:

There are currently no vacancies being advertised. Please check back later.


Enquiries regarding tenders should be addressed to the Secretary of the Tender Committee at:

Tender enquiries can also be delivered by hand or posted to:

     Tender Secretary, Tender Committee | 71 Robert Mugabe Avenue | P.O. Box 2882, Windhoek

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